The songs on Sem Palavras feel like breadcrumbs found along the way, during the walk of this lifetime… I don’t know who left them but I accepted the invitation to continue exploring the journey, uncovering the path, discovering them whenever they presented themselves and as a consequence, discover myself.
They are, in my opinion, simple songs, lullabies. Distilled, synthesized, undressed of all that was not essencial. They don’t have an element of virtuosity in them. Perhaps they’re a form of anti-virtuoso manifesto.
Arrangements could have been written, layers of different textures and instruments could have been overdubbed, but the more I listened to them, the clearer it seemed to me, that they need to be released as they are. As if they were poems, in a singular voice.
It’s funny… after playing the nylon string guitar for so long, I don’t consider myself a classical guitar player or a Brazilian guitar expert; I didn’t study these styles and techniques in the proper sense of the word.
I play the classical guitar because it was my first instrument, because on it, I wrote - and still write - most of my compositions, because it is to this day, my refuge, my remedy, my safe place.
And Sem Palavras is a reflection of that; songs that have come throughout the years but don’t belong to specific era or timeframe, outside of any particular style or genre. And yet, I believe they’re some of my most honest examples of my self expression within the universe of things I do in music.